We are a non-profit civil association whose main objective is to rescue the ecosystems that surround us through the creation of specific programs and projects easy to carry out; awareness of the population through environmental education; the coordination and correct link between organized citizens, civil associations and government programs and obtaining results by applying material and human resources efficiently and effectively to achieve our main objective harmonized with the 2030 agenda and with the goal of influencing decisions to achieve zero carbon emissions.
Educate, Create, Coordinate and Apply environmental projects in a comprehensive perspective to promote ecological culture in the inhabitants of the zone of influence in order to protect, conserve and use in a sustainable way the natural resources of the ecosystems.
To be recognized as the leading civil society organization in the field of ecology and sustainability specializing in projects, programs, education, and social and environmental actions that have a disruptive influence _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_in the actions and decision-making of society for prevention, protection and conservation of the environment and natural resources of the ecosystems through actions, projects and specific events where the government, society and CSO sectors are linked in common agreement in environmental policy to lay the foundations towards a sustainable development of our community harmonized with the 2030 agenda in the SDG 3.5. 6. 7. 11.12.13 .14. 15,17 that have to do with health and well-being, clean water, affordable energy, sustainable cities, climate action, life of terrestrial ecosystems and alliances to achieve the objectives.
Let us care for, protect and preserve our planet as we do ourselves, thinking of the here and now, we will carry out immediate sustainable environmental actions with
love ,
moderation ,
organization and
R esults
The Foundation was born in the municipality of Atizapán de Zaragoza in the EDOMEX and is represented by the tree of life. Through ideograms of Nahúatl, we invite you to be part of the Teocalli (1) or sacred house of man, where our responsibility as human beings here and now is to care for _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_a Tlalli(2) , the land represented by the green spiral as well as Xóchitl, Kuaúitl and Tepétl(3,4,5) (the flowers, trees and hills or soil) that represent biodiversity; also to Totomej(6) which are the birds representing the free and protected fauna, through the intelligent use of our natural resources such as Atl(7) , the water represented by the scrolls blue, and clean energies: wind such as Ejecatl and Mixtli(8,9) (the wind and the clouds) and_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-cf5d_1386bad solar through Tonatiuh(10) (the sun) each of the volunteers, associations and companies working in a harmonic, balanced and sustainable way represented by Citlali(11), the stars. To finally create roots and love through Yolótl(12), the heart of our commitment to Mother Earth, an ideogram located at the center of the Logo.